About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

Siladitya Samaddar


I am both self-driven and motivated, and I am constantly experimenting with new technologies and techniques. I am very passionate about Web Development, and strive to better myself as a developer, and the development community as a whole.

Tata Consultency Services, Bangalore


Wrote backend and APIs in Node, created a responsive frontend in ReactJS and used MongoDB. Completed web services using REST for sending and getting data from external APIs. • Designed and coded application components in an Agile environment utilizing a test-driven development approach. • Used Mongoose as the Node library to communicate with MongoDB Database. Used Google API to provide OAuth2 based authentication functionality.

KGEC, Kolkata


Worked as a backend developer in a small team of three developers and learned Node to develop various feature of campaign website and got introduced to express. • Learned security measures such as OAuth, bycrypt and hashing database. • Developed a media management tool from scratch to efficiently upload, retrieve, search and processing images.

Rhombus Power, Kingston

Full Stack Web Developer

Researched, Designed and Implemented core functionalities in frontend and backend by working with clients, management and engineers.